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Counts how many words in your text online easily.

Word Counter tool help you to count the number of words before publishing an article to your blog, WordPress.com, Instagram, Twitter, Wix, etc.

Try Word Counter


An Online Word Counter is a web tool designed to count the number of words in a given snippet of text. Users can paste or type text into the tool, and it automatically calculates the word count, often providing additional statistics such as character count, sentence count, paragraph count, and sometimes the frequency of particular words or readability metrics. For example, students writing essays need to adhere to word count guidelines, while authors may use these tools to ensure their work meets publishing criteria.


  1. How does the online word counter work?

    When a user inputs text into the online word counter, the tool processes the input by splitting the text string into elements separated by space characters, treating each as a word. This is often done by tokenizing the string, a process which involves parsing the text into tokens - in this case, words - based on predefined delimiters like spaces, punctuation, and line breaks.

  2. Can I use the online word counter for multiple languages?

    Our Word Counter tool support multiple languages. User can easily count words written in English, Spanish, French, Mandarin, Portuguese, etc.

  3. Is the online word counter free to use?

    Yes, Toolur Word Counter is free to use.